Why Image-to-3D is Better Than Text-to-3D: Maximizing Control and Efficiency

Jan Hammer April 15, 2024

When it comes to generating 3D models using AI, you have two main options: text-to-3D and image-to-3D. While both methods can produce impressive results, we at 3D AI Studio strongly recommend using the image-to-3D approach. In this blog post, we'll explore why image-to-3D is often the better choice and how it can help you maximize control over your outputs while saving valuable credits.

The Advantages of Image-to-3D

1. Greater Control Over Output

One of the primary reasons we recommend image-to-3D is the increased control it offers over your final 3D model. When you start with an image, you have a clear visual reference for what you want to achieve. This visual input provides the AI with more precise information, resulting in 3D models that more closely match your vision.

2. Cost-Effective Workflow

Using image-to-3D can significantly reduce the number of credits you spend on generating 3D models. Here's why:

  • Generating images in our Image Studio costs only 1/30th of what it takes to generate a 3D model.
  • You can refine and perfect your 2D image before committing to 3D generation, reducing the likelihood of unsatisfactory results and wasted credits.

3. Iterative Design Process

The image-to-3D approach allows for a more iterative design process. You can quickly generate and modify 2D images until you're satisfied with the concept before moving on to 3D generation. This workflow helps you avoid spending credits on 3D models that don't meet your expectations.

Optimizing Your Workflow

To make the most of the image-to-3D process, we recommend following these steps:

  1. Start in the Image Studio: Use text prompts to generate 2D images of the model you want to create.
  2. Refine Your Image: Iterate on your 2D design until you're happy with the result.
  3. Convert to 3D: Once you have the perfect 2D image, use our image-to-3D tool to generate your 3D model.

3D AI Studio Image to 3D Workflow

Tutorial: Mastering the Image-to-3D Workflow (Coming Soon)

To help you get started with this optimized workflow, we've created a comprehensive tutorial. We highly recommend watching this video to understand the process fully:

This tutorial will guide you through the entire process, from generating initial images to creating your final 3D model. By following these steps, you'll be able to create high-quality 3D models more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Getting Started with Image-to-3D

Ready to try the image-to-3D approach? Here's how to get started:

  1. Visit our Image Studio to generate your initial 2D image.
  2. Use the various style options and prompts to refine your image until it's perfect.
  3. Once you're satisfied with your 2D image, head to our Image-to-3D tool to convert your image into a 3D model.

By following this workflow, you'll have more control over your 3D models, save credits, and achieve better results overall.


While text-to-3D can be useful in certain situations, the image-to-3D approach offers superior control, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency for most 3D modeling projects. By starting with 2D images and refining your concept before moving to 3D generation, you can create better models while saving time and credits.

We encourage you to try this workflow and see the difference for yourself. Visit 3D AI Studio today to start creating amazing 3D models with our image-to-3D technology!

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